Are we computers?

Man-and-ComputerWe are now living in a world of electronics and computers, and many people are more familiar with this than their own bodies.  With the therapies I use, I talk a lot about the circuits in our body, and when you have pain or learning problems, it could be because the circuits between the body and brain are not working well.  So, although I am not computer savvy nor the first to do this, it occurs to me that they have similar “components”.  If we can make these connections, it may help with understanding our body and how to take care of it.

  • The most important of these components is the central processing unit (CPU), or microprocessor, which acts as the “brain” of your computer.  OK, our body has a brain.
  • Your computer has one or more disk drives—devices that store information on a disk. The disk (hard drive) preserves the information even when your computer is turned off.  We have glands in our brain that store long and short-term experiences or moments in your life (on a subconscious level).
  • Computer hardware refers to the physical parts or components of a computer which are physical objects and can be touched such as the monitor, mouse, keyboard, etc.   Similar to a body right?  Arms, legs, head, organs, muscles, eyes, ears, skin, etc.
  • Input devices, such as the mouse or keyboard, allow the user to enter information into the system, or control its operation.   We have sensors inside our body and sensors on the outside of our body (organs, muscles, skin, eyes, ears, mouth, nose, etc.), that feed information to the brain about the environment.
  • Software is any set of instructions, or programs, that directs a computer’s CPU to perform specific operations or tell the hardware what to do.  Software is stored in computer memory and is intangible.  90% of human programs are stored in the brain at a subconscious level from thoughts, experiences, genetic cell memory, reflexes,  etc.
  • The motherboard is the main component of a computer. It is a large rectangular board with integrated circuitry that connects the other parts of the computer.  The body has fascia and a skeleton that holds the structure, and a network of wiring in the nervous system that keeps the brain and all body systems connected and constantly communicating.
  • Output devices such as printers, speakers, or monitors display information in a human readable form.  Seems to me this would be what we use to perform an action in the world, maybe your muscles in the mouth for speaking,  hands for holding, or glands (i.e. your adrenals) that are relay stations that trigger the program for your legs to run when you are scared.  The brain communicates with these devices through electrical and chemical channels.
  • A power supply unit (PSU) converts alternating current (AC) electric power to low-voltage DC power for the internal components of the computer. Laptops have a battery.  Our body has an energy system powered by several sources – digestion from nutrients and vitamins in food, energy from our environment (i.e. water, light in our eyes and Vitamin D from the sun through our skin), and it is re-chargeable (you can meditate, take a nap or sleep, or exercise and have more energy afterward).

A combination of hardware and software forms a usable computing system and apparently, the human body!  Instructions are specific to an individual processor or brain, so every one is unique.

So how does this relate to living life to the fullest?

We have built-in programs in our bodies that support the foundation needed for growth and development.  These programs rely on input or messages from the chemistry of foods,  sensations and movement.   Our brain  receives this information from the body, makes a memory or file for each moment, and then uses that file to compare to the last moment that had any similarities.  With each new experience the brain creates new connections and circuits within itself and back to the body (programs), adding in anything that is new or different.  Thus the brain learns, and this is how We grow and learn.  It all happens on a subconscious level and we apply this to how we live our life!

The operator of this set-up is you.  If you give it what it needs, it works most efficiently!

What does it need?

The body and brain need good nutrition, water, interaction with nature and the 3-D world, to feel safe and loved, and sleep.  If any of those are missing, or if there is stress, illness or injury, a circuit can “blow a fuse” and the brain does not get all information needed for optimum function of the body.  It’s responses, or circuits used to create the resulting action or behavior that follows, become inaccurate or inappropriate for the sensation or circumstance, and then you have symptoms of pain, poor health (when the body is highly stressed, the immune system shuts down), foggy brain, and difficulty with learning or functioning in the world.

The approaches that I use at Sound Therapeutics address the “causes” of poor communication between the body and brain that cause symptoms.  I invite you to call me for a complementary consultation to discuss your health challenges, or behavioral challenges in your child, and find out if this is what you have been looking for to improve health and function.